On the Issues


Lori has dedicated her career to ensuring that the next generation of Utahns has the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

As a professor, she emphasizes the importance of a quality education that equips students with the knowledge, skills, and resources essential for their intellectual growth and personal development.

Lori’s extensive experience includes work in afterschool programs throughout Utah and undergraduate training in K-12 education. She completed her student teaching at Mount Logan Middle School and remains a steadfast advocate for public education, committed to ensuring that all children have access to high-quality educational opportunities.

Housing affordability

As an advocate for livable communities, Lori actively engages in volunteer work that supports policies and initiatives promoting affordable housing options and sustainable urban development.

Through her involvement with community organizations, she works to ensure that families have access to affordable homes in safe, vibrant neighborhoods.

Lori believes that children and future generations should have the opportunity to settle in homes near their families, fostering generational health and wealth. Her commitment to creating livable communities extends to advocating for green spaces, public transportation, and community resources that enhance the quality of life for all residents.

Good Governance

Good governance is the cornerstone of a fair and effective democracy. As an independent candidate, Lori is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in government. Her commitment to these principles drives her opposition to practices that undermine democratic processes, such as gerrymandering for political gain.

Running as an independent allows Lori to focus on what matters most: the needs and concerns of her constituents. Without the constraints of party priorities, she is free to listen to the voices of all Utahns and make decisions based on what is best for the people she serves. This independence ensures that her actions are guided by principles of fairness and effectiveness, rather than partisan agendas.


As an outdoor enthusiast, Lori believes more can be done to protect Utah's natural areas and improve air quality through common-sense policies and initiatives. She recognizes the importance of preserving Utah Lake and advocates for measures that prevent unrestrained development, ensuring the lake's ecological health for future generations. Lori is committed to striking a balance between responsible stewardship and growth, allowing everyone to continue enjoying Utah's great outdoors.

Lori supports initiatives aimed at reducing emissions from industrial and transportation sources, promoting clean energy solutions, and encouraging sustainable practices among residents and businesses. Her dedication to environmental protection is driven by her belief that clean air and preserved natural landscapes are fundamental to the health and well-being of Utah’s communities.

Taxes and Fiscal Responsibility

Ensuring Utah remains an affordable place to live while maintaining the quality of our essential services is a top priority for Lori. She is committed to responsible tax policies that balance the needs of our residents with the necessity of funding vital public services. Lori's approach is rooted in the belief that efficient, transparent, and outcome-driven use of taxpayer dollars can lead to a stronger and more prosperous Utah.

With her background in public health and extensive experience in program evaluation, Lori has a proven track record of assessing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of various programs. This expertise allows her to ensure that every dollar spent by our state is utilized to its fullest potential, delivering tangible benefits to our communities.