


Meet Lori

Lori is a professor at Brigham Young University, where she teaches community health with an emphasis on fostering healthy communities and families. She has dedicated her career to cultivating healthy families and vibrant communities and will do the same when elected to the Statehouse. With an unwavering focus on ensuring every child can thrive, she has spearheaded initiatives that transcend partisan divides, championing progressive yet pragmatic approaches to dismantle systemic barriers. Deeply rooted in her faith, Lori's leadership roles within her congregation demonstrate an ability to build bridges across divides. Through academic research, activism, and political advocacy, Lori champions causes to strengthen communities, uplift families, and empower individuals.

Why I’m running

As an independent candidate, I am uniquely positioned to bring together Utahns dissatisfied with partisan extremism. With a supermajority in the state legislature, Utah’s politics have become increasingly extreme. Rather than addressing the economic concerns and quality-of-life issues that many Utahns desire - such as housing affordability, education, air quality, and sensible development - Utah's legislature appears preoccupied with culture war battles. This disconnect between the priorities of lawmakers and their constituents breeds frustration and disillusionment with the political process. With the state's rapid growth straining housing, education, and natural resources, 2024 presents an opportunity for balanced, forward-thinking leadership.


  • Lori has focused her career on ensuring the next generation of Utahns have what they need to thrive. As a professor, she understands the importance of a quality education that provides students with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary for their intellectual growth and personal development.

  • As an advocate for livable communities through her volunteer work, Lori backs policies and initiatives that promote affordable housing options. She believes children and future generations should have access to settle in affordable homes near their families, creating generational health and wealth.

  • As an outdoor enthusiast, Lori believes more can be done to protect Utah's natural areas and improve air quality through common sense policies and initiatives. She recognizes the importance of preserving Utah Lake, advocating for measures that safeguard unrestrained development. Lori is committed to striking a balance between responsible stewardship and growth, ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy Utah's great outdoors.